charleen stroud
ABOUT charleen
I am a Ceramic Artist who makes functional/decorative clay vessels as well as ceramic jewelry. For the last two years I have been working on a project to combine my love of clay with my love for textiles, specifically embroidery. I use myself and my family as inspiration and experiment with cone 6 and cone 9 clays and glazes. I limit myself to shiny and matt black and white, glazes and add colour with my embroidery threads. Sometimes I also add gold and silver lustres to my work. For the last few months I have also been working on a series of beautiful ceramic jewelry. I lectured ceramics and figure drawing at university level and have many years of teaching formal as well as enrichment ceramics and figure drawing. After many years of living in rural BC I have restarted my career and hope to continue discovering the creative possibilities of clay and embroidery thread to make both decorative and function ceramics that is also thought provoking.
1848 Collingwood Street
Vancouver, BC V6R 3K5
coffee clay stoneware vessel with orange embroidery
2024, 5" x 4.5" x 4.5", Cone 6 stoneware clay
Circles (Pair of Earrings)
2024, 2" x 1.2" x 0.2", Cone 6 porcelain and sterling silver
Porcelain Vessel with Green Embroidery
2024, 6" x 4" x 4", Cone 6 porcelain clay