Deanna Che

ABOUT deanna

My work is varied and diverse in terms of media, approaches and topics. It initially began with mostly printmaking and winds it way to oils, acrylics, and collage. For a number of years I also enjoyed ceramic art, particularly sculptures. A number of my art have originated from digital explorations. I am drawn to forms, interesting mark makings, and an overall balanced harmonious work. Being an artist is all of three things: a child who expresses freely and joyously, a planner building a solid and connective world, and an acrobat tweaking and refining to find that balancing art. The most rewarding aspect of art is when one is gifted a spontaneous act that could simply be a splash of colour, a perfectly located line or even a dot. Such acts require that one is open to serendipity and synchronicity.

Helen’s Court
2137 West 1st Avenue
Vancouver, BC V6K 1E7

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2023, 15" x 11.5", Acrylic


Indigo Flair 1

2023, 24" x 18", Acrylic


Springclouds 2023

16" x 12", Acrylic with collage