eileen fong
ABOUT eileen
My artistic journey began with the learning of Chinese brush painting, as I looked for a new aspect of life related to my roots. I was inspired by this art form, which uses unique brush strokes to express nature. From there, I explored other media such as acrylic and encaustic. By joining several artist groups, I have had the opportunity and encouragement to create and participate in numerous venues, both locally and overseas, such as Spain and China. In my work, I strive to blend eastern and western painting techniques while capturing the light and colors of nature with a sense of peace and spontaneity.
West Point Grey United Church
4595 W 8th Avenue
Vancouver, BC V6R 2A4
arbutus trees on rocky hill
2023, 36" x 24", Acrylic on canvas
sunset melody
2023, 16" x 20", Acrylic on canvas
rocky cliff of nairn falls
2022, 24" x 30", Acrylic on canvas