Joanne Ferry
ABOUT Joanne
Creating and destroying are integral to my art making process. In my earlier work this played out more literally. Often cutting up paintings and drawings and rearranging them into a collage. These collages then inspired 2-D paintings and 3-D relief paintings constructed out of found wood. In my recent work this process plays a more subtle role, with multiple layers of paint, both hiding and revealing the history of previous layers. In my fibre work it’s layers of textile, raw wool and stichery. I was a fibre artist for many years, before switching my focus to painting while attending Emily Carr in the 90’s.
Now I find my love of drawing, painting, and fibre art colliding. This shift addresses my desire to challenge the bridge between what’s referred to as, craft and fine art, as well as women’s place in the art world today and historically.
Helen’s Court
2137 West 1st Avenue
Vancouver, BC V6K 1E7
Kootenay River Road, Where the Chicory Grows
2025, 12”x 12”, acrylic
Walking In The Rain
2024, 11”x 14”, acrylic
Ships at the Dock
2024, 8”x 8”, acrylic