karen marki

ABOUT karen

As an abstract artist, I am inspired by my life experiences and the complex world around me. Self-taught, my years of working for social justice and environment-focused non-profit organizations have also informed my craft as a painter. Each of my works are layers of several paintings built onto the canvas like an excavation site, encouraging the viewer to look more closely and see what lies beneath. My process includes using unusual tools to create markings and mimic the beauty of aging elements, foliage and objects from nature. I am also focused on the impact of climate change and strive to use my art to bring awareness to this urgent topic.

Kits Neighbourhood House
2305 W 7th Avenue
Vancouver, BC V6K 1Y4

Website | Instagram | Email

Tangerine and Peach

2023, 30" x 24", Acrylic on canvas


spring yarrow

2023, 30" x 24", Acrylic on canvas


BlueBerry and Ice

2023, 24" x 30", Acrylic on canvas