leah tan passmore

ABOUT leah

I am a Filipino Canadian multidisciplinary emerging artist based in Vancouver and Squamish, BC. I earned a BA in Visual Art (2011) from the University of British Columbia where I focused on photography, painting, printmaking and art history. I took a significant break from a career in the arts to become a stepmother and mother. In 2023, I began the Photography Certificate program at Emily Carr University of Art & Design with the goal of pursuing graduate studies in fine art. Through the medium of photography, I often engage in serial-based work using the camera as a tool to systematically collect and accumulate various subjects and objects, attentive in the work revealing a pattern. In addition to photography, I am interested in painting, sculpture and public art. My work is an investigation of human relationships (personal, societal, environmental and ethical) and is informed by interests in bridging the sacred and secular.

3488 Trafalgar Street
Vancouver, BC V6L 2L8

Website | Email | Instagram


Part of Recreational Vehicles series

2024, 20” x 16”, Archival inkjet print


11th & 4th St. No. 2

Part of Trees in Keremeos, BC series

2024, 36” x 24”, Archival inkjet print

self portrait

2024, 14” x 11”, Acrylic on paper