Lesley Bohm
ABOUT Lesley
I am inspired to paint mountain scenery from sketches done on hikes, and British Columbia plants found in Nature. I have an honours B.SC degree in botany from McGill University, twenty years laboratory work in botany and botanical illustration for periodicals, books, and Davidsonia, the magazine of the U.B.C. Botanical Garden until 1986. I have been a botanical artist and painter of landscapes and mountains since 1986, a member of Artists in Our Midst since 1994, and since 1986, a member of the North Shore Hikers and Alpine Club of Canada.
I have an active interest in back country skiing, bicycling, backpacking, and kayaking. Director of the Federation of Mountain Clubs of B.C. (FMCBC) since about 1992, and representative of the FMCBC on the Outdoor Recreation Council during that period. I have spent 20 years campaigning to save the University Endowment Lands, and more recently sat on the Recreation and Conservation committee of the FMCBC specializing in Cypress Provincial Park and on the Parks Legacy Committee representing the FMCBC. Oversaw one year’s construction of the wheelchair accessible trail at Yew Lakes (Cypress). I had a show at Bau Xi in 1997, but am no longer represented by galleries.
3685 W. 15th Avenue
Vancouver BC, V6R 2Z6
Bitter Root
2017, 15”x22”, watercolour
Cheakamus Lake
2023, 30”x40”, acrylic on canvas
Spectrum Range
2018, 22'“x15”, watercolour