lord byng arts mini school

ABOUT Lord Byng arts mini school

A community of young artists and their mentors

The Byng Arts Mini School at Lord Byng Secondary has been a vibrant part of Artists in Our Midst since 2008 and this sample of work is a brief glimpse of the talent and unique vision of our Senior Art Students. Although there are many ways to respond to the world around us, art with its variety of forms, such as drawing and painting, photography and collage, seems especially well suited to amplify or extend our visual experience.

When these students draw what they see or imagine in their minds-eye, they give life to something new. It is connected to the original source of inspiration, whether a still life, a model, a setting in nature, a thought or a flight of fancy, but is also something of value in its own right. A successful piece of art can lead us to see the world in a new way, question preconceptions or simply pause for a brief moment in our busy day to day life.

The artwork created by these young artists offers a range of responses to the world of the typical (perhaps) high school student. We can see worlds full of colour and movement, imagination and feeling. Several hold tightly to the observable world and make careful studies of what they see, others take these observations and begin to add, simplify, distort and transform. Through materials as diverse as charcoal, pencil, watercolour, acrylic, oil, ink and pastel, these young artists reinterpret what they have experienced.

The chance to present their art alongside the other artists of AIOM is a great privilege for our students. The strength of their talent is clearly in evidence and this show will be the first of many moments where they will be able to celebrate their courage to see the world differently and put their vision out into the public realm.

Contact Information:

Lord Byng Secondary School

3939 West 16th Avenue
Vancouver BC, V6R 3C9
(604) 713-8171

Website | Email | Interview

music, Sarah Lam

2021, 11” x 7”, Digital


self portrait, David Yao

2021, 12” x 12”, Acrylic on paper


peony, christina wang

2021, 14” x 12”, Acrylic on canvas