rita Chaplinsky

ABOUT rita

Rita Chaplinsky is a painter of landscapes and her medium of choice is acrylics. Painting nature, both realistic scenes and stylistic interpretations, her subject mater ranges from scenery to wildlife to trees and flowers to buildings. Portraying the mood of the place, she captures the feeling of the moment. She wants to invite the viewer in, to unfold the mystery of what lies beyond the bend in the path, what lurks in the shadows of the forest, or to feel the cold in the vast deep snow-covered mountains. Whether it is a dazzling sunset or a thundering waterfall, Rita wants the viewer to feel the emotion.

St. Philip's Anglican Church

3737 West 27th Avenue
Vancouver, BC  V6S 1R2


Helby Island

2022, 16”x 20’, acrylic


Burns Bog

2023, 48”x 30”, acrylic


Banfield 12

2023, 16” x 20”, acrylic