SUE damen


Sue Damen is an artist, illustrator and educator. She grew up in the small farming community of Yarrow, BC. As a young mother she attended UBC, where she graduated with a BFA and later a BEd in Fine Art and Media Education. Sue loves to share the process of artmaking - especially with children. 

Sue’s art themes explore place and stories. Her drawing skill is visible in the fine detail of her etchings and in the gesture of her paintings. Elements of craft appear in the constructed paper and sewn patterns. Her stories illustrate everyday moments with a grand imagination.

West Point Grey United Church
4595 W 8th Avenue
Vancouver, BC V6R 2A4

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vandusen pair

36″ x 60″, Acrylic on panel


approach to elfin lakes

12″ x 12″, Acrylic on panel


down the garden path

16" X 16", Mixed media on pieced paper