susan fraser-hughes
ABOUT susan
For the last 10 years, I have made Vancouver my home. I say home, easily now, but finding a place to which I felt comfortable attaching such a term, has been a long journey, a journey that has seen me leave my country of upbringing, change provinces, change careers, and travel to various countries around the world. It is a journey that has not only explored place, but has taken me in search of a deeper understanding of self. My art has been visually documenting this journey, and my landscape drawings, an integral element of my search. Of late, I have begun drawing large-scale roses. These roses, chosen by friends or family members, for people who have, or who have had dementia, gently open the door to conversations about the disease, the impact it has on all involved, the telling of their stories. I attained my BFA from the Alberta College of Art and Design, my MFA from the University of Calgary, and most recently, my PhD from Aberystwyth University, Wales.
2902 Alma Street
Vancouver BC, V6R 3S6
every rose a different story -2
2023, 40" x 40", Charcoal on frosted mylar
journey home
2023, 29" x 40", Charcoal on frosted mylar
journey too
2022, 29" x 40", Charcoal on frosted mylar